Our Mission

Voices in a New World  was formed to sing together when lockdown began in March of 2020. Zoom meetings, streaming sessions, and distanced singing in backyards, and city streets created a much needed new community which has sustained & nurtured us as a unified breath of change.  

Our Mission

Voices in a New World  formed to sing together when lockdown began in March of 2020. Zoom meetings, streaming sessions, and distanced singing in backyards, and city streets created a much needed new community which has sustained & nurtured us as a unified breath of change.

We are a bunch of singing enthusiasts together

We are a community of artists who bring inspired performances out into the world:  streets, parks, wherever people gather, to lift up our collective vibration through interactive singing and heart opening live experiences to build personal resilience, fuel social change, and spread kindness and mutual respect for each other, our Earth and all of Life. 


David Worm is a founding member of the Bay Area's own SoVoSó (stars of Beal's holiday shows Mixed Nutz & JOY! ) and is an original member of Bobby McFerrin's Voicestra, Hard Choral, Circlesongs and Gimme Five. His newest project Voices in a New World includes 20 VOICES, from all walks of life, aged 15 to 78, to bringing their improvisational spirit and engaging energy - they invite you to sing with them. They are focused on uplifting our hearts with their breath, their poetry, their artwork, their dance and their hearts filled with positivity.

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